Seminarios en línea
Convierta los datos CRM en un acelerador del rendimiento con Modjo

Convierta los datos CRM en un acelerador del rendimiento con Modjo

45 minutes to share the best practices implemented by our customers: An unfiltered sharing of experiences to discover Modjo and tips to implement right away.

Webinar - Sharing experiences with Akeneo

Webinar - Sharing experiences with Akeneo

45 minutes to share the best practices implemented by our clients:

👉 Unfiltered experience sharing.👉 Actionable advice to implement right away with Modjo.

Orden del día:

  • Centralize all quantitative and qualitative information in your CRM with Modjo.
  • Optimize onboarding and sales coaching to accelerate skill development.
  • Align all teams with the same level of information for a successful customer experience.

Live session hosted by:

▸ Modjo - The platform dedicated to sales team productivity and performance.

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